The Watchers of Malheur (TWEET TWEET)

4-channel HD Video Installation, 22'05", 2019

A series of intense political events at a wildlife reserve in Oregon USA are the focus of the four channel video installation The Watchers of Malheur (TWEET TWEET). The work combines reportage with speculative fiction, political events with extended periods of waiting, wild nature with a digital sensory apparatus, and filmic construction with virtual transience. Photorealistic camouflage, a motion capture studio with a horse and a Berlingo car, vast expanses of the American landscape, fetishized optic tech, and a pitiable animated Twitter bird are just a few of the many layers that comprise the transrealistic story of armed combat between ornithologists and militia members on the borders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.


Performers: Anne Balmer, Nicki Snejbjerg Brasen, Simon Heibing, Alexander Prout, Anders Elberling, Davide Di Fabio, Casper Frederiksen, Bjørn Garby, Poul Holst, Thomas Jørgensen, Jessica Sabrina Kræhmer, Thomas Seim Larsen, Roseanna Lindelöf, Espen Neergaard Jacobsen, Birk Neergaard Nielsson, Karsten Nielsen, Bert van Ooijen, Zascha Pjettursson, Michael Rasmussen, Christoffer Rohr, Tülay Saracoglu, Jan Speiermann, Carsten Sten, Mats Ödman.


Voice: Yvette Brackman


DP: Adam Jandrup

Producer: Christina König

Gaffer: Noah Lynnerup and Malik Bruun

Light Assistant: David Sizemore og Martin Dahl Andersen

Production Assistant: Christoffer Rømer

Sound design: Jacques Pedersen

CGI Animation: Laurence Weedy


Thanks: Lui Gram Mokrzycki, Tina Helen, Hanne Nørgaard & Sorte, Agnete Bertram, Jihad fra mil-sim, Hanne Jandrup, Frans Jacobi, Jacob Lillemose, Poi, Flopper.


The work is supported by: Rådet for Visuel Kunst, Beckett Fonden, Billedhuggeren Gerhard Hennings legat, Knud Højgaards Fond and The Danish Arts Foundation